

RI 3 - First picnic of the year in Fontainebleau!

Cécile was able to have her lumbar puncture last Monday (22nd June) as she hadn't had any fever since Friday evening. It was a long day - we arrived at the hospital at 9h30 and had to wait until gone 3pm for the lumbar puncture. Cécile was apprehensive about the side effects (headaches and sickness) so the doctor recommended drinking plenty of coca cola over the first 24 hours after the injection. We're not sure if that was the reason but Cécile didn't suffer at all afterwards.

Cécile a eu sa ponction lombaire lundi dernier (22 juin) car cela faisait plus de 48 heures qu'elle n'avait plus de fièvre. La journée était longue - nous sommes arrivées à l'hôpital à 9h30 et la ponction lombaire a eu lieu après 15 heures. Cécile appréhendait des effets secondaires - maux de tête et vomissements - mais peut-être grâce à la consigne de boire plusieurs cannettes de coca cola pendant les premières 24 heures elle n'a pas eu de séquelles.

The rest of the week was spent revising for the exams Cécile was taking last Thursday and Friday. Then finally she was able to relax! We decided to take the opportunity to go to Fontainebleau for our first picnic there this year. The weather was lovely and it was nice to benefit from the shade of the forest.

Cécile a eu deux jours pour réviser avant de passer le DNB jeudi et vendredi. Enfin elle pourra se détendre! Nous avons profité du beau temps ce week-end pour faire notre premier pique-nique à Fontainebleau. Tout le monde a apprécié l'ombre dans la fôret!

First picnic this year in Fontainebleau!

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